
Dr. Cicija Kalloopparamban participated in the panel discussion at Annual Conference of Kerala Chapter of the Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR)

Dr. Cicija Kalloopparamban, Consultant Reproductive Medicine, participated in the panel discussion at 8th Annual Conference of Kerala Chapter of the Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR) held in Trivandrum on 7th & 8th September 2024.

Lung Cancer Symposium organised by Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery

Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery at Dr. KM Cherian Institute of Medical Sciences organised - "Lung Cancer Symposium" on 3rd September 2024. The scientific sessions were led by Dr. Luie Fernandus (Consultant Thoracic Surgeon, University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire, UK), Dr. Mathew Patteril (Consultant Anaesthesiologist, University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire, UK), Dr. Geevarghese K. Mathew (Medical Superintendent & Consultant Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgeon, KMC Hospital), Dr. Sarah J. Easaw (Medical Director & Consultant Oncologist, Oncology Centre at KMC Hospital), Dr. Rakhi K. R (Consultant Cardiac Anaesthetist & Intensivist, KMC Hospital), Dr. Winnie Elizabeth Jose (Consultant Respiratory Medicine, KMC…

Scientific session by Dr. Sreenath P. R., at Chitra Neurosurgery Update 2024

“Is Intraoperative Electrocorticography (ECoG) for LEATs More Useful in Children? (IO-ECoG Trial)” – Scientific session by Dr. Sreenath P. R., Consultant Neurosurgeon, at Chitra Neurosurgery Update 2024 on 31st Aug & 1st Sep, organized by Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum.

Anti-drug awareness session at St. Thomas High School, Kozhencherry, Pathanamthitta

Department of Psychiatry & De-addiction of Dr. KM Cherian Institute of Medical Sciences, organized the Anti-drug Awareness Class at St. Thomas High School, Kozhencherry, Pathanamthitta. Dr. Ruben John (Consultant Psychiatrist, KMC Hospital, Chengannur), Fr. Bibin Baby (Psychiatric Counsellor, KMC Hospital, Chengannur) and Smt. Sreeja Sambath (Clinical Psychologist, KMC Hospital, Chengannur) has led the awareness sessions. The function was presided by the school principal, Smt. Asha Varghese.

Discussion on Comprehensive Specialist Weight and Diabetes Management Service by Prof. Dr. Vinod Menon

Prof. Dr. Vinod Menon (Consultant Bariatric & Upper Gastro-intestinal Surgeon [Robotic & Laparoscopic], University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust, UK; Immediate Past President & Chair of Trustees – British Obesity & Metabolic Surgery Society [BOMSS]; Honorary Clinical Professor, University of Warwick) visited Dr. KM Cherian Institute of Medical Sciences, Chengannur on 22nd Aug 2024 for the discussion on Comprehensive Specialist Weight and Diabetes Management Service. The panel discussion was enriched by the presence of Dr. Geevarghese K. Mathew (Medical Superintendent & Consultant Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgeon), Dr. Murali Appukuttan (Consultant HPB, Gastro-Onco and Transplant Surgeon), Dr. Farish Shamsudeen (Consultant…

Anti-drug awareness session at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Chengannur, Alappuzha

Department of Psychiatry & De-addiction of Dr. KM Cherian Institute of Medical Sciences, organized the Anti-drug Awareness Class at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Chengannur. Dr. Ruben John (Consultant Psychiatrist, KMC Hospital, Chengannur), Fr. Bibin Baby (Psychiatric Counsellor, KMC Hospital, Chengannur) and Shri. Ashish Samuel (Psychiatric Counsellor, KMC Hospital, Chengannur) has led the awareness sessions. Inauguration was done by the Smt. Preethi. R(Principal, Chinmaya Vidyalaya) and the function was presided by the Shri C. Ashok (School Manager).

Seminar on – ‘Introduction to Palliative Care’ by Dr. Sunitha Daniel

Dr. KM Cherian Institute of Medical Sciences organized the Seminar on – ‘Introduction to Palliative Care’ by Dr. Sunitha Daniel (Lead Consultant in Palliative Medicine, York and Scarborough teaching NHS Hospital Foundation Trust, York, UK). The function was graced with the presence of Rev. Fr. Dr. Alexander Koodarathil (Managing Director, KMC Hospital), Dr. Sarah J. Easaw (Medical Director & Consultant Oncologist, Oncology Centre, KMC Hospital), Dr. Boaz Vincent (Consultant Radiation Oncologist, KMC Hospital), Shri. Seby Poulose (COO, KMC Hospital) and Doctors from various departments of KMC Hospital.

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