Kidneys are 2 fist-sized, bean-shaped organs located on either side of the spine. Kidneys are the primary organs involved in the formation of urine and cleaning the blood of toxins. Urine is waste that is stored in the bladder which comes from the filtration of blood and removal of waste and water from it.
The Kidneys not only remove extra fluids and toxins from the body but also release certain hormones, filter blood that helps red blood cells to supply oxygen to several parts of the body, maintain an even distribution of nutrients, minerals, and electrolytes in the body, etc. In a way, they ensure the proper functioning of the body tissues, nerves, muscles, etc.
Otherwise, it could lead to kidney diseases like Chronic Kidney Diseases, Kidney Stone, Urinary Tract infections, etc. Hence, keeping a check on the kidneys regularly and protecting their health is extremely important. Some tips for better kidney health are:
1. Drink ample amounts of water/fluids
This is one of the simplest and most crucial everyday essentials that keep the kidneys fresh and healthy. An average human being is supposed to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water daily to keep themselves hydrated and also to aid the kidneys with their filtration processes. However, too much water intake could lead to water intoxication that would lower the sodium levels to a dangerous low. It is important to be aware of your bodily requirements and capacity before deciding on a quantity suitable to you.
2. Maintaining a healthy diet
Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc in your diet. Maintaining a properly balanced diet not only helps in delivering the necessary vitamins and minerals to your body but also keeps you away from too much unhealthy or junk food consumption which could hinder the proper functioning of the kidneys. A major thing to be conscious about in your diet is salt consumption. Too much salt can increase the blood pressure which in turn leads to proteins to be released in the urine which could be harmful to your body, plus it also causes high blood pressure that has the potential to ruin the kidneys’ health.
3. Do not overdose on antibiotics and other medicines
It is highly suggested to avoid the tendency to pop over the counter pills for the slightest and really serious health conditions. Certain antibiotics can cause kidney damage if not consumed under supervision. Likewise, some anti-inflammatory medicines such as ibuprofen affect the kidneys too and lead to problems like kidney stones. People with kidney issues should always take medicines under the supervision of their doctors.
4. Exercise and stay fit
Exercising regularly and having a suitable body weight according to your body mass index (BMI) helps in maintaining proper blood pressure and staying away from diabetes, cholesterol, or heart disease – which in turn keeps our organs such as the kidneys healthy and safe. Exercising does not necessarily mean hitting the gym regularly or running kilometers but rather following a daily routine that involves walking, stretching, getting ample hours of proper good sleep, or any activity that ensures your body movement.
5. Limit alcohol intake and smoking
Kidney damage can be caused due to high blood pressure. Over consumption of alcohol and smoking could easily lead an individual into having high levels of blood pressure which is not only injurious to the kidneys but most other organs such liver and the lungs. Try to cut down the alcohol intake to 2 drinks per day or 100 grams per week and avoid smoking completely. It is not only suggested for better kidney health but the overall well-being of the body in the longer run.
6. Keep checking on your kidney functioning regularly
Keeping a check on kidney functioning is extremely crucial to detect any abnormalities that could lead to any kidney disease. Early diagnosis of the same helps in the efficient treatment, for which you should be aware and informed about the possible symptoms and signs. Apart from checkups at regular intervals, you are also not supposed to ignore the possibilities of having a kidney disease while experiencing frequent fatigue, sleeplessness, ammonia breath, swollen feet or face, muscle cramps, lack of concentration, etc that could indicate a kidney dysfunction.
When you think of all these measures, consider it as a contribution to your overall health and not just the kidneys. The kidneys are one of the most vital organs in your body without which the whole coherence in your body functions get disrupted. It is better to put some effort into following a healthy lifestyle beneficial to your health than to struggle with recovery from any kind of damage or disease. However, keeping a regular check on the body; being aware of any abnormalities or changes; being mindful about what you consume will do the job in maintaining a basic health quotient in your body.