
Heart attacks are very common. In fact, it is very deadly and a top killer disease. Basically, a heart attack occurs when the blood flow to the heart gets blocked. The blocks in your blood vessels, specifically your coronary arteries, are often due to the accumulation of cholesterol, fat or other substances. This condition, known as coronary artery disease (CAD), is the major contributor to the rising cases of heart attacks.

What are the risk factors?

High cholesterol levels, age, diabetes, high blood pressure, genetics, obesity, consumption of tobacco and alcohol, heart surgery, extreme stress, etc., are factors that can increase the risk of having a heart attack.

The Gender Gap: Heart attacks in men and women

Even though heart attacks can cause death irrespective of gender, the risk of getting one is greater in men as compared to that in women.

  • The average age when men might get a first attack is 65, whereas, for women, it is 72.
  • In women, the risk of getting a heart attack increases around ten years later than in men.
  • The chances of men getting heart attacks at some point in life are double that of women, according to the Norwegian Tromsø Study.

Why the gender gap?

Although not proven, possible reasons for the existence of a gender gap are as below:

  • It appears that women are less likely to have heart attacks before menopause. This is believed to be due to the estrogen level in menstruating women. However, the possibility of such a protection has not been proved yet.
  • The rate of use or dependency on alcohol or tobacco is higher in men than women. This could account for the differences in statistics as consumption of alcohol or tobacco is a coronary risk factor.
  • Men appear to have lower emotional adaptability while coping with stressful situations as compared to women. This could contribute to an increased risk of heart attacks.

Heart diseases are preventable

Like many other diseases, heart disease also can be prevented by taking precautions and following healthy habits.

  • By regular checkups and Controlled Blood sugar, Cholesterol & Blood Pressure.
  • Reduced consumption of alcohol – Stick to a glass if you drink and avoid drinking frequently. Live more to drink more or drink more to live less? You decide.
  • Healthy diet – Have food low in cholesterol, saturated fats, sugar and salt. Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Interestingly, dark chocolate can lower heart attack risk.
  • Don’t smoke – If you smoke, quit as soon as possible. Don’t start if you aren’t already smoking. If you are thinking of heeding to that someone who suggested you try, don’t.
  • Regular exercise – This doesn’t mean “hit the gym”. Moderation is fine. If you are not someone who exercises regularly, find the time and/or bring yourself to rise from your favourite couch and do some cardio.
  • Don’t ignore mental health – Stress and depression increase the risks, and therefore, maintaining good mental health is essential for good heart health. Nurture yourself and seek professional help if needed.

Despite the gender gap, both men and women who struggle with any risk factor should be well aware of the symptoms. If you smell trouble, immediately call for help. Adopt a healthy lifestyle and much of the risks can be averted.

Dr. KM Cherian Institute of Medical Sciences is a pioneer in delivering world-renowned treatment procedures at affordable costs. We continually upgrade the quality of the healthcare ecosystem and enable faster recovery for patients from all backgrounds.

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